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Meghan Daum

             I think she is writing these essays for a wide variety of people.
             students would find this book as interesting as graduated students who are well into there.
             chosen careers. She does a lot of venting in this book about things she doesn't like about.
             her profession. I don't think it is meant to scare English students away from publishing.
             but just to warn them about what there getting into. I don't think that she wrote these.
             essays for the mainstream audience for it to become a best-seller. She jokes and says she.
             would never expect a movie to be made out of he book starring Julia Roberts. She also.
             wrote she hopes by the time anyone reads her book that Britney Spears and N"Sync are.
             outdated. This makes me think that she cares very little for pop culture and mainstream.
             audiences. She admits that she is somewhat an irresponsible writer by telling her audience.
             she doesn't keep a journal but rather catalogs her experiences in her head until she feels.
             she has something worth telling. Because of that she wrote she had difficulties.
             remembering events as they actually happened. This makes me think she had irresponsible.
             people like herself in mind when she was writing this book. .
             I think she wrote to entertain her audience with the real stories about her life. I.
             also feel she wrote the book to warn others the unstable lifestyle they may run into if they.
             go her route and major in English in hopes of becoming publisher. She makes it very clear.
             that it's frustrating being a newly college grad in hopes of becoming a publisher. Her.
             overriding theme was her realization that the profession she had got into was not it was all.
             cracked up to be. She had in her mind she would get a job she loved, publish great books,.
             and make lots of money. She ended up in entry level jobs, working late nights reading.
             manuscripts. She realizes though her career was inspired by famous people such as Mary.
             McCarthy it will never resemble it.

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