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            Could Macbeth have risen to greatness? What most contributed to his downfall? Write about Macbeth and the way the character develops during the play. Write about the various influences on him. To what extent are you willing to make excuses for him?.
             Recently I read the tension, gripped tragedy 'Macbeth' written by William Shakespeare. A five Act play written in Blank Verse. During this essay I will discuss weather or not Macbeth could have risen to greatness? I will also discuss writer's craft and the effects of the techniques such as rhyming couplets and soliloquies.
             'Macbeth' begins with three witches preparing a meeting with Macbeth. There are three examples of rhyming couplets in Act one Scene one. The following rhyming couplet gives me an indication of the theme of the play.
             "Fair is foul and foul is fair;.
             Hover through the fog and filthy air"".
             This quote implies that nothing is that it appears: the natural order of civilization has been turned to one of disorder and darkness.
             Shakespeare builds up the tension by using techniques such as soliloquies. The soliloquies enable the audience to experience the conflict within Macbeth and thus, gain an understanding of the reasons for his behaviour and decisions. As a result, the tremendous reversal of Macbeth's fortunes in the end leaves the audience filled not with pity, but also awe, at the realization that people can suffer greatly.
             Prior to the murder of Duncan, Macbeth's soliloquies show the vigorous internal struggle with himself, as he equivocates with his evil minds. .
             The three witches have predicated that Macbeth would become King and The Thane of Cawdor,.
             "All hail Macbeth, hail of thee, Thane of Cawdor!.
             All hail Macbeth, that shalt be King hereafter!.
             However, the three witches tempt Macbeth. The witches hail Macbeth as the Thane of Glamis and Cawdor who will be king and hail Banquo, who is a nobleman of Scotland and Macbeth's friend, as one who will become the father of a line of kings.

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