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Team Dynamics

            Team Dynamics Building an Effective Team.
             A lot goes into the planning and designing of an effective team, but more important is getting what you need out of the team. The goal of the team has to be clear to all of the members, so that they may work together to achieve this goal. One of the most important factors to building an effective team is figuring out what each member's strengths and weaknesses are. Even though you are building teams it is still important to have individual goals for each member that will help make it worth the time and effort for everyone. You can not build an effective team with out everyone having trust in the other members.
             Building and effective team is a difficult task that many can not perform with out a little hard work, time, and effort. Every team should meet most of the following goals that I call the team building check list (Francis and Young. 1979).
             • High level of interdependence among team members .
             • Team leader has good people skills and is committed to team approach .
             • Each team member is willing to contribute .
             • Team develops a relaxed climate for communication .
             • Team members develop a mutual trust .
             • Team and individuals are prepared to take risks .
             • Team is clear about goals and establishes targets .
             • Team member roles are defined .
             • Team members know how to examine team and individual errors without personal attacks .
             • Team has capacity to create new ideas .
             • Each team member knows he can influence the team agenda .
             If a team can come close to meeting those requirements then they will become an effective team. If there is a failure in too many of the above items then the team will start to break apart and loose interest in finding the answer to the common goal that has been set. If there are too many of the above that are not meet then the team should strive to solve as many as possible so that they can move more towards an effective team.

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