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The Rarity of True Friends

            There are two major categories of friends in this world. True friends are the people who are dependable, trustworthy, and will always be there in times of distress and laughter. The other type of friend is more of an acquaintance than a friend. These are the people that can be depended on during the good times, but when life turns slightly turbulent, they bail. I like to refer to these people as fair weather friends because it seems they only are interested in the friendship when life's forecast is bright and shiny.
             I feel extremely blessed to say that my life has been filled with many significant friendships. Throughout the years, I have met many different people and shared numerous special memories. The ones I cherish the most are the times spent with my true friends. It is an old cliche that friends are like family that you can choose, and I couldn't agree more. A true friend will love you despite all the flaws and imperfections you possess. It is unfortunate that true friends seem extremely rare these days. The world would be a much happier place if everyone had at least one true friend. It is such a comfort to have someone to vent all your frustrations, cry, and laugh with. Life is not as fulfilling unless you have a special person that you can connect on so many different levels with. Despite the lack of true friends, fair weather friends are abundant in the world. These are not bad people; they just cannot be depended upon. It is definitely possible to have fun with a fair weather friend, but you must be cautious because those kind of people will not be there when the need is the greatest. Fair weather friends are the replaceable friends in your life. They come and go. .
             When I was younger, I made a new best friend every year. I found a new little girl that seemed similar to myself, and within the first couple weeks of school we became best friends. Each year I found a new best friend in a class full of new options and practically forgot about the old best friend.

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