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until the end

            Describe yourself using a famous quotation and explain your reasons for selecting this quotation.
             "To be nobody but yourself, in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else, means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting" E.E. Cummings. .
             This quote means a lot to me because it is something I try to remind myself of in my everyday life. It seems like in the world today people including media and other forms of advertising, are trying to push people, into one general category. I believe this quote is powerful because it isn't telling you to go with a new trend or to start your own but to stay true to who you really are regardless of what "group" that puts you in. There is a lot of emphasis put on young people to be "individuals", in and outside of the classroom. I feel that in the classroom I strive to be true to myself and show that through my work. .
             The reason I think it is so important to be yourself is because everybody is different, yet everybody strives to be the same as the next guy. People depend on others to lead the way before they will start the same journey. When you want to do something it shouldn't be up to someone else. People should be encouraged to do things individually. For example, this semester when I joined the Book Club, the opportunities available to me were exactly what I needed. I wanted to increase my reading and the Book Club is introducing me to new authors. I am glad I made the choice to join the Book Club even though I did it alone.
             Peer pressure is apparent in most teenagers" lives. There are numerous ways that kids can be persuaded to do things out of their comfort zones. There is always the constant fear that you will get mixed up with some kind of drugs and then become addicted for life. Sometimes your friends end up choosing to do things that are illegal and you have to make a decision to stay friends with these people or to make new ones.

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