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            Growing up, it is something everyone must go through sooner or later. While growing up we may experience many challenges. Going through different stages in life is sometimes not easy but we must overcome and learn from them as well to be able to mature. In this case, the protagonist is going through a stage of isolation. In order for her to mature and move past this obstacle, she must first overcome this challenge. If this phase is not overcome then it will prevent her from maturing and moving on with her life. She must strive hard to make it through, and from this experience, she will grow a little older, a little wiser and a little stronger.
             At first, Melinda was only an ordinary teenage girl living life to the fullest, the summer before her and her friends started a whole new chapter in their lives, their greatest obstacle yet (besides relationships, hair and makeup) .HIGH SCHOOL. They all attended a summer party with booze and "older" boys. Here Melinda, young, vulnerable and intoxicated was raped! Frantic Melinda called the cops then fled home. The cops arrived and busted the party all thanks to good old Melinda. .
             After this whole ordeal, Melinda keeps in this secret, turning herself into a complete mute. Her friends turn their backs on her without even knowing the truth about that horrible night. She is weak, alone and isolated. A sad ninth grader, trying to make it through the rough high school life day by day. .
             The secret inside of Melinda was killing her. She just wanted to tell her ex-best friend what exactly had happened but something always pulled her back and the words wouldn't come out right. Finally, Melinda got herself together and decided to write Rachel (her ex best friend) a note saying what happened. This is one of the first steps Melinda took to coming out of her isolation phase. Not talking to anyone made Melinda's "throat always sore, her lips raw and when she would wake up in the morning, her jaws would clench so tight she would get a headache" (page 50).

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