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             Discrimination and stereotyping has been a social and cultural issue for decades. It occurs when someone treats somebody else unfavorably because they are prejudiced or biased about the other party. People often discriminate against others when they recognize differences. These negative effects can push people apart instead of bringing and holding them together. Nowadays, it seems humans could overcome this matter, but can they really? People think that racism was for slavery time, and this issue doesn't exist any more; however, evidence shows unfortunately that discrimination still exists in many communities and countries, not only between the uneducated members of the communities, but also between the educated ones. Our society is riddled with such hatred based on peoples' beliefs and origins and it seems millions are fighting each other for no relevant reason at all. This is a quite pessimistic matter. Discrimination has many different dimensions. What are the causes for such concerns and what are the solutions for this social issue? .
             Lack of general knowledge is worthy of consideration. Unfortunately, most of the time people are not even aware that some of their behavior reflects prejudice and can be interpreted as racism. Racism occurs when there is prejudice based on beliefs about one person's race. We have several examples of such things happening in our community. Regrettably still the conflicts between whites and African Americans exist. Still we have cases in which the employers have a preference for hiring white employees over African Americans regardless of their abilities and skills. Still in some states being black can cause some difficulties. Still in some places they are not welcome. Not only is the color of the skin sometimes an issue, but also nationalities are something that many people have a particular consideration about. Unfortunately, many factors exist that can affect Middle Easterners" lives, just because of their heritage.

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