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Social Cognition

             I've always been intimidated to approach men. Due to this intimidation, I feel that men are always going to reject me. By this time, my schema is that men do not like me. This will have a major impact on my life, because I will always feel insecurity. It can cause me to never talk to a guy. The examples of the five ways my schema will bias me, below, will draw a clearer view on how I process information. .
             (1) I"m more likely to notice a guy's inaction, rather than his action towards his effort in talking to me. (2) The schema I have will expect me to store information that fits my schema. I will store instances when a guy is being mean, rather when he is being nice. (3) I will recall a guy rejecting some girl for a date or something, instead of when he is accepting her offer. (4) Because of the insecure feelings, I will take things negatively, rather than positively. For example, when a guy approaches me and ask me on a date, I will think to myself, "He is just out to get me hurt, and exploit my insecurity and vulnerability," rather than think, "He likes me, and want to go out with me. Let's give it a try." (5) The constant feelings of insecurities will make me feel intimidated to ever approach a guy, or may approach one in a very nervous and reckless behavior. This will give the guy a reason to reject me, proving my schema.
             The Confirmation Bias deals with research and simply states that you will only find what you look for. I could conclude that someone else has the same schema about approaching an opposite sex, no matter if he or she doesn't have that schema. I would ask him or her questions dealing with my schema, such as, "Have you ever been rejected?" or, "Have you feel intimidated to approach an opposite sex?" Of course then I would have the reason to assume and conclude that the person have same schema as I do, for almost everyone have been rejected before, and most everyone feels intimidated to approach the opposite sex.

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