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Huckleberry Finn

             Huckleberry Finn is a classic that has withstood the test of time. Mark Twain created a realistic view of the troubles of a young boy and his African-American slave companion. The book proves why it lasted all these years over and over when read. People of all ages are able to relate to all of the ideas and troubles of the two main characters. These two pals" adventures can be possible still today. .
             The young boy Huckleberry Finn is quite a character. He's what people would call a "real boy." He loves to get into a ton of trouble and happens to do so quite easily. Often when he's in hot water, Huck will tell a lie forty -two miles long to get out of it. His ingenious and somewhat uncanny way of escaping trouble is somewhat amusing. Huck's ingenuity gets him through a lot of messes he creates. His inventiveness helps save his young life more than just a few times. When Huck's father shows up in town again, Huck is kidnapped by him from the home of the two elderly ladies he resides with. Huck's drunken father takes him out to a desolate cabin in the woods. One day while his father is gone, Huck kills a pig and smears its blood all over the house. Then he ransacks the house to make it look as if he has been kidnapped. This is just one time that his ingenious ways come in handy. Huck is not exactly educated in a book wise sense, but he's definitely not slow witted. .
             The large burly black slave that accompanies Huck on many of his adventures was his supposed murderer. The mancipium, Jim, was assumed to have killed Huck. When in reality he only ran away upon finding out about Huck's departure. The enormous black man was respected greatly by slaves all over the area and further. Slaves traveled over great distances to see Jim and hear his amazing adventurous stories. He believed greatly in superstitions and bad luck jinxes. Jim also wasn't educated as most white people were back then. He was a very wise man who didn't need a lot of material items to survive.

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