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            Many view Tiresias as gifted with the visions of prophecy.
             ability to foresee the future resembles a curse for Tiresias. The visions isolate Tiresias from the world. No one possesses his ability and therefore they cannot relate to his situation. Tiresias employs his visions to warn of approaching disaster but often his advice falls on deaf ears. Those who sought his counsel then mock him as a false prophet. The visions allow Tiresias to know all that will occur in the world. He witnesses the suffering of humanity. The burden of the visions causes Tiresias to weep. .
             As Tiresias" boy accompanies him down a Theban street he sees the prophet saddened. The boy tells Tiresias "Smile, master smile. You know fates lattice, the chattering crows tell you all." Tiresias" boy like everyone imagines the visions are a great gift that should be cherished. However he cannot possibly comprehend the weight the visions place on Tiresias" shoulders. .
             Tiresias holds the power of knowledge, which he must use wisely. Often when Tiresias reveals the information he knows men listen but gradually turn away as he foresees a dreadful future. They begin to believe Tiresias plots against them or has sold out for money. In "Antigone" Creon says "The generation of prophets has always loved gold." They do not realize that Tiresias refuses to use his powers for personal gain. They do not understand that the visions are a great responsibility the gods have given Tiresias. .
             In Scene V of "Antigone" Tiresias appears before Creon to caution him of what will .
             happen if he does not free Antigone and provide Polyneices a proper burial. Tiresias says to Creon "It is for your own good that I speak as I do." Tiresias only desires to use his power to save Creon from the tragedy that will befall him. Tiresias tells Creon "You stand once more on the edge of fate." Creon, like all the powerful men before him, refuses to listen once Tiresias utters the words he least wants to hear.

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