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The Story of St. Peter

             Peter, before becoming one of the twelve apostles, was named Simon, and was a fisherman. Since Jesus, when he began to teach, he was in constant travel. While in Galilee, he saw two brothers, Simon and Andrew. He referred them to their students. Since that time, Simon was named Peter. Jesus said to him: From now on you will be catching men. Christ called also the other students, who traveled with him, listened to his teachings and taught themselves. In the Gospels, the apostles report the story of how Jesus came into Peter's house and heal his mother in law, lying in a fever.
             Another time Jesus taught a great number of people. The area was a desert, and it was not possible to feed such a large number of listeners. People have only five loaves of bread and two fish. Jesus multiplied the food prepared in such a way that everyone in the audience could eat to your heart's content. Then the disciples with Jesus got into the boat, and passed over to the other side. Jesus went up the mountain to pray. Meanwhile, the boat with the disciples on board drifted away from the shore, as the wind was blowing the opposite. It was evening. Jesus came down from the mountain and started walking on the water toward the boat away from the shore. The disciples were terrified, and Peter said, Lord, if thou hast thou, bid me come to you on the water. Jesus cried out to Peter, and he went out of the boat began to walk on the water toward his Master. However, at this point, a strong wind blew, Peter was afraid and began to sink. He grabbed him by the hand and said to Peter: Man of little faith, why doubt? Once they were in the boat Peter said to Jesus, "Truly, Thou art the Son of God.".
             When Jesus and his disciples were in the region of Caesarea Philippi, he asked who the Lord for them. Simon Peter answered, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God. So Jesus said to him: Blessed Simon Barjon! Because I do not flesh and blood revealed it to thee, but my Father who is in heaven.

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