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Man and Creatures of the Wild

            The continually expanding needs and eagerness of man have driven him to encroach unpredictably into the universe of nature. He has not just lost the amazement and apprehension which was a piece of nature love in the early religions, yet has added to a very nearly heartless disposition towards the universe of creatures. He has felled trees, constructed dams and has irritated the serene separation of the woodlands. With a large number of men taking a shot at dam destinations and vehicular movement moving round the clock, creatures are compelled to withdraw further and further into the quick subsiding backwoods. Added to these the quick industrialization with its going with contamination, the utilization of pesticides and insect sprays has made the battle for survival a losing fight for an expansive number of feathered creatures and creatures. Atomic blasts and even occasion picnickers are driving the fish towards elimination. The absence of oxygen in the beachfront waters drives them to their passing. Another contributory variable is man's craving to catch creatures and keep them in bondage. The thought is not wrong but rather the bland system isn't right. For absence of space. creatures are kept in little, uniform confines, without trying to pander to their individual needs and living propensities. To abstain from jumbling of their enclosures they are of even furnished with the essential roosts, branches or wooden trunks which they can drill into. They are hence disappointed, despondent and now and again unduly fierce. .
             All the above variables, it is clear, are adverse to the development of untamed life. Yet creatures and fowls are fundamental. Man needs them above all else to hold the parity in the realm of nature: he likewise needs them to keep a piece of himself alive for the delicacy which winged animals and creatures stir is maybe the most unselfish feeling. Restorative and exploratory trials have utilized creatures to advantage humankind.

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