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Global Challenges

            Throughout that past couple of decades, the increase of global challenges has had the tendency to hinder the economic, political and social developments of many different nations. These problems that include deforestation, nuclear proliferation, and overpopulation not only affect one nation, but affects the development and success of the entire world. However, in response to these escalating problems, many nations that are being affected are coming together to try to repair and prevent these problems.
             Population growth and the threat of overpopulation is a very big concern in the world today. Right now, the world is populated at about 6.2 billion with 76 million people being born per year. Over the next fifty years, this immense statistic is expected to double itself. The biggest threats of overpopulation is located in the countries of China, the US, India, Indonesia and Brazil. The two main reasons of overpopulation include the fact that people are living longer than they used to, which is due to the new discoveries of medical technology. The other is that people are having children at an earlier age, which is due to the copious amounts of teen pregnancies and the lack of contraceptives in undeveloped countries. The hazard of overpopulation not only has a poor effect on people, the earth, and the economy, but it is the leading cause to many other global concerns as well that include pollution, famine, disease, deforestation and traffic congestion. One of the primary concerns is its direct impact on our ecosystem and to global warming. A correlation between the population size and human industry has shown to steadily increase the global climate. The major concern right now is the question of whether our world has or will exceed its carrying capacity. The earth's non-renewable resources are being rapidly absorbed by people and can eventually lead to huge ecological calamities. Despite these concerns, many different tactics are being attempted to fix this problem.

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