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The Golden Age Of Greece

            The ancient statues and pottery of the Golden Stone Age of Greece were much .
             The true facts of Zeus's main reason for his statue. The .
             great styles of the Kouros and the Kore. The story of The Blinding of Polphemus, .
             along with the story of Cyclops. The Dori and Ionic column stone temples that were .
             built in Greece that had an distinctive look. The true colors of the vase, Aryballos. The .
             vase that carried liquids from one place to another. The Lyric Poetry that was originally .
             a song to be sung to the accompaniment of the lyre. .
             Zeus was considered, according to Homer, the father of the gods and of mortals. .
             He did not create either gods or mortals; he was their father in the sense of being the .
             protector and ruler both of the Olympian family and of the human race. He was lord of .
             the sky, the rain god, and the cloud gatherer, who wielded the terrible thunderbolt. His .
             breastplate was the aegis, his bird the eagle, his tree the oak. Zeus presided over the .
             gods on Mount Olympus in Thessaly. His principal shrines were at Dodona, in Epirus, .
             the land of the oak trees and the most ancient shrine, famous for its oracle, and at .
             Olympia, where the Olympian Games were celebrated in his honor every fourth year. .
             The Nemean games, held at Nemea, northwest of Argos, were also dedicated to Zeus. .
             Zeus was the youngest son of the Titans Cronus and Rhea and the brother of the deities .
             Poseidon, Hades, Hestia, Demeter, and Hera. According to one of the ancient myths of .
             the birth of Zeus, Cronus, fearing that he might be dethroned by one of his children, .
             swallowed them as they were born. Upon the birth of Zeus, Rhea wrapped a stone in .
             swaddling clothes for Cronus to swallow and concealed the infant god in Crete, where .
             he was fed on the milk of the goat Amalthaea and reared by nymphs. When Zeus grew .
             to maturity, he forced Cronus to disgorge the other children, who were eager to take .
             vengeance on their father. Zeus henceforth ruled over the sky, and his brothers Poseidon .

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