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            When I was a child I was grateful when Christmas came around and I got presents. As a teenager I was grateful for the weekend, when I had free time and no school. Now when I think about what I"m grateful for, I know that it has to be for the improvements to our medical system - all thanks to robots! .
             During the time between when we find out Santa isn't real, and our high school years, we learn so much. And one of those things we learn is the truth behind inventions, such as robots. .
             Many people don't in fact know what a true robot is. They are not as yet what we classify as intelligent creation, because humans program them, to help humans do human tasks. .
             A perfect example of a true robot is the types that are used to help doctors and surgeon in the medical industry. .
             In the past 5 years there has been such a major improvement in the medical industry thanks to the aid of robots, and it isn't going to stop there! .
             Not only have robots helped surgeons in minor surgery, but also they have assisted in life saving procedures. .
             At the Broussais Hospital in Paris, June 1998, two doctors performed the first ever, life-saving, "closed chest" videoscopic Artery by Pass Graft (CABG) procedure. .
             Traditionally open-heart surgery involves cutting a 30 to 35 cm incision in to the breastbone, and then a 15cm split into the ribcage, allowing surgeons to get all their tools and hands inside. .
             This procedure has now been used on over 400,000 patients per year in the United States and is now a worldwide method of heart surgery. .
             Alan Menkis is a Professor of Cardiac Surgery of the University of Western Ontario in Canada and is also using the CABG procedure.
             He states, "It is obvious that the patients are the real beneficiaries of this new minimally invasive cardiac procedure. We were able to discharge a 60-year-old male patient just 4 days after surgery with minimal pain and scarring.".
             Many people question the robots ability to perform such work, but with the technology today, it's easy to say that robots are improving our society.

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