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Adolf Hittler


             Hitler's life from a child to a dictator is very intriguing. Adolph was born on April 20, 1889, in a small inn, in Braunau, Austria. Adolph's father was Alois Hitler, and his mother was Klara Polzl. Adolph grew up in many villages around the city of Linz.
             "As a child young Adolph wanted to be an artist, and go to the Fine Arts Academy in Vienna, Austria."(The World Book Encyclopedia, Volume 9, Page 265). In elementary school Adolph, had very good grades, but in high school he did very badly and was beaten by his ill tempered father, Alois. At the age of sixteen, Adolph dropped out of high school and went to attend the Fine Arts Academy in Vienna, but failed the acceptance exam twice. .
             "Adolph left Vienna to go to Munich, Germany to get into Politics. There he grew a hatred for Jews and Slavs." (http//www.stokesey.demon.co.wk/wwii/ahitler.html.). Adolph enlisted into the German army and fought for them in World War I. After World War I, he started building up the Nazi party. In 1921, Adolph had taken complete control over the Nazi party. "He had plans to overthrow the German's Weimar Republic, by force. Adolph led an attempt to take over the government but failed, and was arrested by police and thrown in jail for treason. While in prison, Adolph wrote the book called Mein Kampf, (My Struggles)." (http//:www.stokesey.demon.co.wk/wwii/ahitler.html.).
             When Hitler was released, he started the Nazis again. All of Hitler's deceptive speeches gained favor for the Nazis. By 1932 the Nazis were the largest party in Germany. In 1934 Hitler broke the Treaty of Versailles, and started his plan of conquering Europe, then the world. He had help from other leaders like Benito Mussolini. Hitler wanted to Conquer Europe, then Asia, and last was the rest of the world, but he never got past Russia. .
             Hitler was hated by many people, he had become a madman, But the people of Germany still loved him. Hitler earned the name "Fuhrer.

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