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Jayne Eyre


            Mystery and suspense in Bronte's novel Jane Eyre provides a.
             crucial element to the reader's interpretation of the novel,.
             allowing Bronte to subtly aid the reader in foreboding coming.
             events. Bronte successfully creates mystery and suspense in her.
             novel through the use of both features of plot and narrative.
             techniques. Bronte's features of plot which allow her to create.
             mystery and suspense are the esoteric nature of Grace Poole, the.
             visit of the fortune teller at Thornfield, and the fire in.
             Rochester's bedroom and the subsequent mystery of what is in the.
             attic. Bronte's narrative techniques are the use of literary.
             symbolism and dreams, both of which are used to convey a Gothic.
             and supernatural setting. Through the use of these literary.
             devices, Jane Eyre becomes both cabbalistic and prophetic.
             Bronte's character Grace Poole is surrounded by a obscure haze.
             from the reader's first introduction to her, an effective device.
             used in order to create a mysterious atmosphere in the novel. Jane.
             first learns of the occult Grace Poole upon hearing her laugh upon.
             being shown the attic by Mrs Fairfax. Bronte first creates an.
             ambience of mystery through the initial description of the.
             setting. The attic is described by Jane as being "black as a.
             vault" (chapter 11, page 122) and the leading passageway as.
             "narrow, low, and dim" (chapter 11, page 122). Jane observes all.
             the doors being shut, which allows the reader to interpret the.
             third story of Thornfield as inaccessible and isolated, perhaps.
             intentionally attempting to conceal something, much likened to.
             "Bluebeard's castle" (chapter 11, page 122) in which behind the.
             locked doors was hidden the deadly secret of the castle. The laugh.
             which Jane hears is described by Jane as being "a curious laugh;.
             distinct, formal, mirthless" (chapter 11, page 122). The.
             peculiarity of laugh, it not being cheerful nor delighted,.
             perplexes Jane as well as the reader, this intimating that the.
             origin of the laugh is not of the typical sort.

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