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Eyewitness essay


             Take a moment and think back about two years ago to what you were doing the morning of September 11, 2001. You were probably on your way to work or school, or maybe you were at home relaxing, but for many people in the northeast USA, they were being killed by terrorist, or watching in shock as planes crashed into their places of work. On September 11, 2001, the worst terrorist attack on United States soil took place starting at 8:46 a.m. The events that took place on this day have changed our world drastically, and are still causing deaths of US and soldiers from many other parts of the world as they risk their lives to fight the War on Terrorism.
             During the terrorist attacks of September 11 a section of the Pentagon was destroyed, a field in Pennsylvania was ruined, the World Trade Centers fell, and thousands of lives were lost.
             On November 21, 2002 I arrived in New York City accompanied by my mother, godmother, and two cousins Anne and Brian. After we collected our luggage in the crowded LaGuardia airport, hailed a cab and began to make our way into the heart of one of the busiest cities in the US. I had expected a city that was going to be full of rather rude people, and unclean streets, but what I experienced was completely different. As I soon realized, New York City was populated by very kind and polite people, on very clean and well kept streets. During our stay in the city we traveled to the famed sites that one would usually expect to see in New York. On the last day of our trip, however, we visited a newly historic site, Ground Zero. .
             I had seen pictures of the location and read and seen all about it in magazines and on TV, but I never thought that it could be so real. As we were walking by, I was able to view the cross that was formed out of two steel beams during the attack that was placed on a mount next to the site. When I walked around to an open view area of Ground Zero, all that one could see was a gaping hole in the middle on the heart of the business district, and the photos people placed of loved ones that were lost on that tragic day.

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