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Cold War


            From 1945-1991 the rivalry between the United States method of capitalism v. the Soviet Unions policy of communism dominated political and military decision making. The United States wanted to prevent the Soviet Union communism from spreading to any other countries, while the Soviet Union had plans to make it the economic structure of all of Europe.
             The United States supported their view in the war in many different ways. They had many of the United States top leaders and speakers discuss everything the United States did during the cold war. For example, document 2 shows a speech President Truman gave on why the United States was aiding Greece and Turkey. He told everybody that the United States had to aid Greece and Turkey because they would have been taken over by the communist forces. President Truman discussed that it isn't right for any country to take over another, and if they U.S. wanted to contain communism they would have to aid Greece and Turkey. Also document 6 was part of a passage given by D.F. Fleming, a professor of International Relations at Vanderbilt University, which gave his thoughts on why the U.S. went into Vietnam. He discussed that South Vietnam is a very strategic spot and if it were taken over by communism all of Southeast Asia would have been taken over, too. If this had happened it would have meant the U.S. was not sticking with their policy of containing communism, so we had to go in and stop it. Another thing the United States did to prevent communism and assure safety of non communists everywhere was create NATO. Document 4 shows and excerpt from NATO and it explains that if another NATO party is attacked, another NATO party will assist them, and they will do whatever it takes to restore and maintain the security of the North Atlantic area.
             The Soviet Union too supported its non capitalist view during the cold war. They Soviet Union used both words and actions to get their point across.

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