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            The central theme of The Metamorphosis, by Franz Kafka, is modern man's sense of alienation and detachment. Gregor's transformation into an insect greatly resembles a familiar form of detachment of modern man. Unfortunately, Gregor cannot turn the door lock, for he has no hands, and his body is of little use and difficult to control. He is alienated by his own body, encased in both a mentally and physically exhausting skin that blocks him from his world. He is obviously very different from everyone and becomes rejected by his entire family. Gregor's family doesn't think about how Gregor feels about his miserable transformation; instead, they are worried about the affects of the metamorphosis on them personally, leaving Gregor isolated. Gregor is locked away in a cage, in his room with surrounding walls, similarly to a rat in a hole in the wall being tortured by surrounding noises and having no control over the next few minutes or seconds of its life. His father locks him in his room wounds him by lodging an apple in his back, his mother passes out at the sight of the bug, and then Grete stops caring for him, wishing he would disappear. To add to his sense of isolation, Gregor is forced stand by and watch what is happening to the family in silence; powerless to speak, complain, and criticize. Gregor notices changes in his family similar to how modern man notices changes in society, but feels left out. The family evolves and become busy with their new lives and jobs, almost forgetting completely about Gregor. Gregor is detached not only from the world but even his family form the transformation of his body and mind. He becomes an actual bug and lives as one as the world outside his cluttered room grows and becomes faster paced, leaving behind Gregor, dark and isolated.

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