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A MidSummer Night's Dream


            A MidSummer Night's Dream by William Shakespeare was turned into a movie in 1999. Popular celebrities became Shakespearean actors using old English. The play which was once a romantic comedy was transformed by Hollywood into something, well different. The movie version of the book was interesting. The maker had a different point of view in how the film was shot and how the characters acted. .
             The film and the book had some major differences. In Shakespeare's play, he makes the characters Athenian. The characters in the movie were clearly not Athenian. The women wore long flowing dresses and the men wore trousers. Also, the hats and accessories worn by the women were English. The setting of the film seemed to be in Italy during Shakespeare's time. .
             Michael Hoffman, the director also changed the technology used in the film. The characters rode wooden bicycles. The book talked about the characters running from each other instead of riding a bicycle. This changed the mood of the story because maybe women were not as helpless. The book made women into poor weak girls who needed a man to protect them because of the uncivilized time. The technology showed how women, even though they were not equal were athletic and didn't just sit at home and clean the house. .
             There were a few differences within the play within a play. To start, there was no prologue. Snout, as the wall started the play and whenever a character forgot his lines, Quince would shout them out. Also, there was an explanation to why Starveling used a lantern as the moonshine instead of opening the window. The film showed Starveling opening a window to find a wall. Therefore, he used a lantern on a stick. Another character was introduced into the movie. This was Starveling's dog who disrupted the play. He bit Bottom's cape and was sent spinning, he also knocked down his owner and the lantern. These extra parts were quite funny. It gave the viewer insight to what happened that was not talked about in the play.

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