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             Dysfunctional family interaction with adolescents often leads to depression and ultimately suicide. The young adolescents find their lives too painful to endure. Scientific research points to divorce and the break down of the nuclear family as the major culprits that leave young children with emotional scars, low self-esteem and uncertain parental support (Joan 20-23). All of these lead to depression and anxiety disorders. Other studies link substance abuse both in the parents and the children to suicide (Garfunkel and Northrup 4-5). All studies point to certain causes, but all in all, suicide remains in many respects a mystery. When professionals with expertise make statements about the dysfunctional families and the fact that it is more difficult today than ever before to survive, that might seem difficult to understand for those who lived during the Depression, or the Second World War or the Vietnam War era. However, today's young people face their own kind of deprivation such as having few adults involved in their lives, and a society that defines success in terms of possession (Voegeli). .
             Young people are dealing with multitudes of social problems, and just when they really depend on or need their families the most, many parents are dealing with mid-life transition crises and may be as confused as their children. Parental crises have left their children feeling as though they are on their own with no one to turn to for assistance and stability. Instability and conflict within the family structure, dysfunctional families, is the most commonly cited reasons for the increase in teenage suicide since 1960 (Pfeffer 63-64).
             Even the intact family is often dealing with intense internal changes because of the economic situation. Theses may include working mothers without resources for adequate day care, un employment and extra jobs taken on by parent to make ends meet, and pressure on young people to work or care for younger siblings But whatever the complex of problems in the family, some adolescents find themselves taking on the burden of responsibility for these problems.

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