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Legalizing Marijuana - Pros and Cons


            Known for being a psychoactive substance, marijuana, which derives from the flowering tops of the cannabis plant, is the most commonly used drug in the western world (Marijuana-Tobacco Facts). Although the use, distribution, and possession of marijuana are illegal under U.S. federal law there have been over 20 states that have legalized the use and distribution of marijuana for medicinal purposes. Furthermore, Colorado and Washington State have even legalized the use of marijuana for recreational purposes (US New Laws). So while marijuana may be classified as a schedule one drug, meaning that it is believed to have a high abuse potential, a lack of accepted safety, and no accepted medical use, it is apparent that the use of marijuana is having a growing acceptance in the U.S., especially in regards to its potential economic and health benefits (Schedule I). .
             It was found in a recent study conducted by the Drug Policy Alliance that about 42% of people in the U.S. have used marijuana at least one point in their lives, clearing indicating that our current federal laws are not stopping people from using marijuana (Health & Family). In actuality, making marijuana use illegal is more harmful than the drug itself, since marijuana users have to constantly find ways around the law in order to obtain their desired product (marijuana/hash/sensimilla). By having no other choice than to turn to the Black Market, marijuana users can potentially put themselves in dangerous situations, such as getting mugged or purchasing laced drugs. However, if marijuana were to be legalized, marijuana users could have a way of obtaining their desired product safely due to enacted regulations and policies. .
             It is estimated that the U.S. government spends around 10 billion dollars a year in an attempt to keep marijuana off the streets; at the same time California made 14 billion dollars last year off of the production of medical marijuana alone, showing that the U.

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