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Assesment of Capacity Building in Schools


            The educational system requires competent strategies that incorporate emerging trends to facilitate success. Leadership and diversity are some of the factors that should be incorporated in the school system. A set of standards in the rapidly changing school environment can be useful in guiding the administrators' objectives. The standards play a major role in reforming an underperforming school, and improve the overall performance of both teachers and students. The school should have a vision that enables the members to work towards achieving the set goals. The vision is to aim at providing and accessing higher quality education through embracing innovation and participatory roles in the school fraternity.
             Interaction between the teachers and students is critical in the learning process. The students can assume leadership roles in the classroom setting; this improves their confidence level, which in turn results in them acquiring relevant leadership roles. .
             Effective capacity building among the professional faculty should incorporate their opinions and perceptions. The faculty members should be free to give their views on the vision and mission of the school to foster unity in the process. Teamwork encourages exchange of relevant ideas among the members, which plays a role in vision development. The school professionals should be encouraged to assume interdependent roles with the students. This measure entails a communal learning process among the participants in the classroom setting. Students acquire a sense of belonging when the teaching staff includes them in the learning process. Assigning students' responsibilities during the learning process enables them to improve their leadership skills (Schecter, 2011). .
             Establishing strong personal relationships in the school fraternity can help to develop effective professional learning and capacity building among the participants. The professional staff acts as mentors to the students, which encourages them to develop their personal and academic efforts in order to achieve the desired objectives.

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