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literary analysis


            From the beginning of time it's always been known that Christopher Columbus was the first to discover America. Is it really true? Born a son of wool workers, Christopher Columbus always saw himself working on water, so he turned to the sea as a young man. Developing routes to Asia, Columbus won the support of Spanish monarchs Ferdinand and Isabella for "Enterprise of the Indies. " Doing the 15th and 16th centuries, leaders of the European nations supported expeditions in hope to find wealth and enormous size of undiscovered lands. .
             Between the years of 1492 and 1504 Christopher Columbus had a series of four voyages which became disastrous and very disappointing. Voyage one Columbus became friends with the Taino Indians of the island Hispaniola, that friendship corrupted really quickly because of the demand of sex and gold. The route was long and difficult and he comes across many hostile armies. Sailings across the south of West Africa and around the Cape of Good Hope, Columbus along with Portuguese explorers solve the problems against the hostile armies. .
             Being the bright and intelligent man Columbus is he had idea to sail across the west of the Atlantic Ocean and around the Africa. Columbus was known for his math and astronomy skills so he argued and argued that the Earth was much .
             smaller than he believed it was. Putting his plan in to initial work, Columbus presented his plans the Portuguese and to King Ferdinand and Isabella. .
             Ferdinand and Isabella listen to Columbus and wanted the same thing as Christopher which was fortune, fame, wealth, and vast amount of land that was unknown so they went along with the Christopher's plan and exported Catholicism across the globe. Columbus wrote a contract with the Spanish monarch rulers promising that he could keep up to 10 percent of whatever riches he found along with noble titles and the land he should fi.
             In 1942 Columbus sailed from Spain in three ships called the Nina, Pinta, and Santa Maria.

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