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Live Free or Die!


            Chaos or more chaos is what you get when Freedom of speech is not equally balanced with order. In the lord of the flies William Golding shows what he thinks would happen if a group of boys were stranded on a island and try to make a society with rules and everything without any adults. A balance of freedom and order is needed because without it democracy will fail due to the people revolting if there is too much order and getting out of control if there is too much freedom but what is "Too much". Too much is simply more than a single person can handle before their human nature shows and they want more freedom or less order because humans are greedy and selfish creatures, that's a factor that must be considered when creating a society. .
             Too much order and too much freedom both have one thing in common, the fall of a democracy. The conch in the story stands for the boys civilization and when it brakes it is Williams way of saying that the boys are no longer civil even in the slightest and at this same moment piggy dies which means if logic dies so does all civilization. When jack starts becoming the main leader and starts giving the boys more freedom by not enforcing rules is when the society as a whole starts to break down on the island. To say it simply, without rules humans take that freedom that they have and think that they can do whatever they please . We learned that jack was evil early in the story from quote like this one. "Within the diamond haze of the beach something dark was fumbling along then the creature stepped from the mirage on to clear sand, and they saw that the darkness was not all shadow but mostly clothing" (19). This quote foreshadows jacks transformation from a normal everyday choir boy to a blood thirsty tyrant leader who doesn't care for others just like Thomas Hobbes. Thomas Hobbes and jack both didn't believed that others could be good they only saw the evil or beast within people.

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