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Facing Peer Pressure


            'Oh look, those are the new jeans everyone are buying, hey do you want to get high, smoke this.' Have you ever been in a situation like this, where you just purchased an item or said yes to something that you feel regretful for just to fit in with other people? If you have then you have gone through the social anxieties of peer pressure. Peer pressure is a challenge many of us face in our everyday lives. Peer pressure socially influences us to act similar to our peers. Because we can be influenced, we are also consciously conforming to the ways of the group. Many of us give into peer pressure because we want to be accepted.Peer pressure can drastically affect a teenager's decision-making, well-being and academic performance.
             Teenagers undergo severe internal conflict as their decision making abilities are hindered by their surroundings.As I learned in my sociology class an experiment conducted by Stanley milgram In this experiment, Milgram found that most people will do what they are told from an authoritative figure even when its going against there own moral beliefs. The study was set up as a "blind experiment" so they were able to capture when and if the person will stop causing pain on another as they are continuously told to continue doing so. The participants of this experiment included two volunteers: one was called a teacher and the other was called a learner. The teacher being the person that is being tested and the learner is just an actor. Both volunteers were told that they would be involved in a study that tests the effects of punishment on learning. The learner more often than not obeyed the teacher's authority and inflicted pain on the recipient. According to Steinberg (2014) "the mere presence of peers made teenagers take more risks" (p.1). Which utterly correlates with milgram's unprecedented deduction that people naturally thrive to please others at any cost without weighing the disadvantages.

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