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Managing Electricity


            Computer, fridges, televisions and light. What do they all have in common? They all need electricity to work. An average Canadian pays over $1641$ a year on their electricity bill. I am going to speak to you about how you can save 25% off you electricity bill. Every year there are dozens of power outages from people using too much electricity and wasting it, so let's help reduce that number today. Today I can help you get your electricity bill to just over a thousand dollars. There are plenty of ways to save money such as buying energy star appliances, florescent and led bulbs, smart meters, servicing your air condition and operate you appliances during off peak-hours .
             Using energy star appliance's save you approximately 12% off you electricity bill. Energy star appliances are appliances that are efficient on energy for example a normal fridge cost about $55$ a month in electricity but an energy star fridge cost approximately $45$ a month of electricity. That saves you $10$ a month, and in a year you would save $120$ a year. Sure you would be paying another hundred or two but it will pay off by time. Energy star appliance come in many things such as freezers, dishwashers, television, clothes washer and dryer, ovens, and ice coolers. You can purchase energy star appliances at Sears, Best Buy, Walmart, Future Shop, etc. .
             Florescent and led bulbs are also a great way to save money off your electricity bill. Florescent bulbs are bulbs that use mercury beams to light the room and led bulbs are led lamps is a light omitting diode product that is assembled in to a lamp or bulb. I would suggest to get the led bulbs because the florescent bulbs use mercury and mercury is a highly toxic form of methyl mercury and also harms you brain, heart, kidney and lungs. Using led bulbs save you up to $55$ a month a cost about $10$ for two. Led and florescent bulbs can be purchased at Rona, Canadian Tire, Walmart and Lowes.

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