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Fight Club - Freedom from a Controlled Society


            The film "Fight Club" [ CITATION Bra99 l 1033 ] shows the influence of consumer culture in America and how it destroys our individuality. It tells a tale about liberation from a corporate controlled society, with the narrator representing the ultimate consumer. Fight Club shows how we can distance ourselves from how we are told to think and act. .
             The narrator, a wealthy young professional took all the right steps towards the common American goal. He went college, got a high paying job, and lives in a luxury condo. Representing the 20th century American, he cannot be complete unless he has certain things in his possession. He refers to his belongings a part of him. After his condo blows up and everything in it is destroyed, he tells the detective, "That was not just a bunch of stuff that got destroyed it was me!".
             In the beginning of the movie he is looking through an IKEA catalogue and asks, "What kind of plates define me as a person." He's not asking what personal characteristics define him, but what possession most accurately does. We think this way about ourselves all the time, always shopping for the perfect items. Why do we need possessions to define who we are? The need and desire for material possessions is impressed upon us by our consumerist culture. Tyler says, "You are not your job. You are not how much you have in the bank. You are not the contents of your wallet. You are not your fucking Khakis." As we grow more dependent upon our property, we slowly lose sight of what should truly be important to us. .
             Another character named Marla Singer becomes a different kind of victim in this movie. Since consumer culture has influenced people to value possessions more than people, it's harder to find people who will love her. She goes to support groups because when people think your dying they really listen to you instead of waiting for their turn to speak. After Marla gets tired of the social groups, she takes a lethal dose of xanax then calls the narrator looking for someone to care for her.

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