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             The concept of the state of nature has been deeply contested by many modern thinkers. In Hobbes" Leviathan, he invokes his own explanation of the notion of the state of nature. .
             In Chapter 13, Hobbes details his concept of nature of man, which he believes is simply the combination of a somewhat automatic desire and repugnance, intervening with authoritative conflicts. This focal point of Hobbes" nature of man is a natural cause of war when two humans desire the same property, he attributes this conflict to the unconscious and limited means of human desire. He goes on to conclude that although people may differ in the strengths and weakness (i.e. physical, intellectual, etc) of their natural power, all people are created equal. He states that conflict is inevitable because the weakest in society is, by some possible means, able to kill the strongest. .
             He attributes the tendency to fight in the nature of man to three main causes. The first cause is competition, which causes humans to invade for the benefit (and create violence) of other property. The second cause is the safety or diffidence of their property. The third cause is for the glory that they wish to receive, the benefit to their reputation agmost their peers.
             Hobbes infers from his proposal that, prior to any form of government or community, the condition of the nature of man is chaotic, dominated by death, fear, war and brutality. This is how Hobbes describes the state of nature. In this state of nature, he believes that because all humans can become in conflict with each other, security is not possible. However, fear and reason, two natural feelings, permit humans to flee the ruthless state of nature. Natural humans want to escape in fear of their lives, and are able to do so by reason. It is also through reason that humans provide the basis for creating a foundation of society and peace (upon leaving the state of nature).

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