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             Epidural injection is the administration of medication into the epidural space. It is used to treat swelling, pain, and inflammation associated with neurological conditions that affect nerve roots, such as a herniated disk and radiculopathy. .
             The brain is covered by three membranes (dura, arachnoid, and pia), called the meninges that extend through the base of the skull and surround the entire spinal cord. The spinal cord travels down the entire length of the spinal column through the spinal canal. The epidural space is located between the dura and the interior surface of the spinal canal and contains veins, arteries, and fat. Epidural injection is the injection of medication into the epidural space. .
             A mild sedative and a local anesthetic may be given prior to the procedure to relax the patient and numb the injection site. Medications, usually an anesthetic such as bupivacaine (Marcaine ®) or a muscle relaxant, and a corticosteroid such as methylprednisolone (Medrol ®), are injected directly into the epidural space. (The injection is commonly called a cortisone shot.) .
             Complications resulting from an epidural injection are rare. Possible conditions that may develop following the procedure include infection (e.g., epidural abscess), bleeding into the epidural space, and headache caused by a cerebrospinal fluid leak. Approximately 2% of patients experience side effects from the corticosteroid, such as mild fluid retention. .
             The Pros of Epidural:.
             Labor Pain Relief .
             Allows time for rest .
             Reduces hyperventilation and serum catecholamines .
             Great for PIH (pregnancy induced hypertension) .
             Great for C-sections .
             Appreciated by husbands and families .
             May enhance 'push-ability' .
             The Cons: (possible spin-off problems).
             Possible headache (with dura puncture) .
             Possible back ache .
             Possible hypotension (requires IV fluids) .
             Confines mother to bed so minimizes gravitational effect .
             May increase need for Pitocin (especially first pregnancy) .

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