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             My belief is that smoking cigarettes causes untold health problems including different cancers and deaths. Smoking is usually started during teenage years. Major tobacco companies target teens by using flashy advertisements to catch the attention of teens. .
             Tobacco use is the number one cause of preventable diseases in the United States. Cancer Facts and Figures from the American Cancer Society 2002 states that smoking accounts for more than 400,000 deaths yearly and thirty percent of all cancer deaths.
             II. Disadvantages of Smoking.
             Each day 1,205 people die in the United States from diseases related to smoking. Smoking is estimated to be responsible for 87 percent of lung cancer cases, 21 percent of deaths from heart disease, 18 percent of deaths from stroke, and 82 percent of deaths from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
             Other disadvantages of smoking cigarettes which can cause asthma, cancer, and other harmful diseases. .
             III. Tools to help you quit smoking.
             Nicotine therapies include counseling, nicotine nasal spray, nicotine inhaler, over the counter transdermal nicotine patches, and other nicotine treatment options. Physicians, especially those in primary care specialties, should familiarize themselves with these products to improve efforts to help their patients stop smoking.
             With this speech my sister-in-law (Juanita White) is one of my sources.
             In conclusion, the disadvantages of smoking cigarettes which can cause asthma, cancer, and other harmful diseases. Cancer Facts and Figures from the American Cancer Society 2002 states that smoking accounts for more than 400, 000 deaths yearly and 30 percent of all cancer deaths. Major tobacco companies target teenagers and non white communities to start to smoke cigarettes regardless of the health complications. Also, there are several nicotine therapies to aid those who smoke or know someone who smokes to quit smoking.

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