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            -Envision that you are sitting in a room and your child comes to you and says that someone is trying to kill him, there is someone in the mirror spying or that on the way to school the bus's radio was sending him special messages. Now what would you think? .
             Like myself, you would probably think that your child is playing a bad joke or if it persist, he/she is smoking crystal-meth. You take your child to the doctor your wrong. For one part it is good, but for another part it is bad, your child has just been diagnosed with Schizophrenia. Was your child born with this? Is this genetic? Contagious? What are the symptoms? Does this mean that your child will have a split personality? Schizophrenia is an odd diseases, although a very broad and complicated this is a brief summary of schizophrenia, a treatable but incurable diseases. .
             According to the 2002 encyclopedia Britannica edition, in 1899 psychiatrist Emil Kraepelin first diagnosed schizophrenia as Manic-Depressive Psychosis . Kraepelin distinguished at least three subtypes of Manic-Depressive Psychosis (schizophrenia): .
             Hebephrenic Inappropriate emotional reactions and behavior .
             Paranoia Delusions of grandeur and persecution .
             Cationic Motor activities disrupted, negativism, auditory hallucinations.
             Later in 1911, Eugen Blauler introduced schizophrenia. He had two functional analysis concerning schizophrenia which was denoting the loss of contact with the reality and ambivalence denoting the coexistence of mutually exclusive contradictions with in the psyche (Bleuler, E. 2002). Later on, more types of schizophrenia were diagnosed. According to the American Psychiatric Association, their 1994 edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, there are five subtypes of schizophrenia, along with Paranoia and Catatonic type they diagnosed three more subtypes:.
             Residual (Mild symptoms) delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech and catatonic behavior.

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