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The effect of television commercials/appearance-schema-activ


             Title: The Effect of Television Commercials On Mood and Body Dissatisfaction: The Role Of Appearance-Schema Activation.
             Authors: Duane Hargraves and Marika Tiggerman.
             Source: Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, Vol. 21, No. 3, 2002, pp. 287-308.
             Summary: In this article, Hargraves and Tiggerman used summaries and conclusions from their experiment to determine whether or not appearance related commercials have an effect on mood and body dissatisfaction. This experiment consisted of having 195 female and 206 male adolescents view 20 appearance-related or 20 nonappearance-related television commercials. The participants in this experiment were sophomores, juniors, and seniors from a metropolitan high school of medium socio-economic status in.
             Adelaide, Australia. Responses from seven of the students were thrown out, I do not know why. This experiment was conducted in two data collection sessions that were 4 weeks apart. In the first session the subjects were split up into groups and were asked to complete a questionnaire. The purpose of this questionnaire was to obtain information on appearance schemas. Then the subjects were asked questions about what they watch on television, how often, and so on. They were also asked demographic related questions. In the second session, the students were told that they participating in a survey about television advertising. They were asked to view commercials and complete short tasks regarding these commercials. Information from questionnaire one confirmed that students had an average of three televisions in their homes, and that they were exposed to approximately 96 commercials a day. Session two was meant to obtain information on state mood and body dissatisfaction, and also included a questionnaire. A word completion task was also used in this session. The conclusions from this session showed that there was an increase in anger and decrease in confidence in women.

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