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Social Criticim in literature


             Many authors receive their inspiration for writing their .
             The idea for a story could come from.
             family, personal experiences, history, or even their own creativity. .
             For authors that choose to write a book based on historical events, .
             the inspiration might come from their particular viewpoint on the .
             event that they want to dramatize. George Orwell and Charles Dickens .
             wrote Animal Farm and A Tale of Two Cities, respectively, to express .
             their disillusionment with society and human nature. Animal Farm, .
             written in 1944, is a book that tells the animal fable of a farm in .
             which the farm animals revolt against their human masters. It is an .
             example of social criticism in literature in which Orwell satirized .
             the events in Russia after the Bolshevik Revolution. He .
             anthropomorphises the animals, and alludes each one to a counterpart .
             in Russian history. A Tale of Two Cities also typifies this kind of .
             literature. Besides the central theme of love, is another prevalent .
             theme, that of a revolution gone bad. He shows us that, unfortunately, .
             human nature causes us to be vengeful and, for some of us, overly.
             ambitious. Both these books are similar in that both describe how, .
             even with the best of intentions, our ambitions get the best of.
             us. Both authors also demonstrate that violence and the Machiavellian .
             attitude of "the ends justifying the means" are deplorable.
             George Orwell wrote Animal Farm, ". . . to discredit the Soviet .
             system by showing its inhumanity and its back-sliding from ideals [he] .
             valued . . ."(Gardner, 106) Orwell noted that " there exists in .
             England almost no literature of disillusionment with the Soviet .
             Union.' Instead, that country is viewed either with ignorant .
             disapproval' or with uncritical admiration.'"(Gardner, 96) The.
             basic synopsis is this: Old Major, an old boar in Manor Farm, tells .
             the other animals of his dream of "animalism": " . . . Only get.
             rid of Man, and the produce of our labour would be our own.

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