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The Difference Between Making an Argument and Having an Argu


            The meaning of rhetorical argument is not having an argument, but knowing how to make one by using thoughts, opinions, maturity, and non-violence. Making an argument requires more maturity than does having an argument.
             On one hand, making an argument should be done in a mature manner. One does this by giving opinions and presenting proof to support those opinions. Making an argument is more important because it avoids violence and gets the point across to another person without anyone getting hurt. It is more important to discuss the evidence and facts of an argument in a mature and peaceful manner as opposed to forcing someone to agree with you. Making an argument in a peaceful manner makes it easier to get the other person to understand what you are trying to persuade them about. The most important part of making an argument is to be truthful and know that the probability of you being right is in your favor, this way it makes it easier to come to an agreement.
             On the other hand, having an argument is often based on immaturity and sometimes biased opinions. For example, last January when I worked as a cashier at Sedano's Pharmacy, I had an argument with a customer who claimed that she had given me $5, and I had put the money in my register. I protested that she didn't have the right to say such a thing, when she did not see me do it. She insisted that I couldn't scream at her because she was a customer. I objected that just because she was a customer didn't give her the right to insult me and accuse me of something I had not done. She continued to argue for a while and afterward found the $5 under her purse, and then she accused me of putting it there. I called the manager and let him handle the problem with the lady, for I no longer wanted to hear her. .
             In summary, making an argument requires more maturity than does having an argument because making an argument is done in a mature manner whereas having an argument is immature and unnecessary.

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