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Students of Binge Drinking


             On Friday night at Valdosta State University, students begin to look for some sort of entertainment after a long week of class. Being a small town, time and again the only source of entertainment that can be found is alcohol. Whether at bars or at private parties, students have a goal of getting as drunk as possible. This type of drinking is called binge drinking, and it is detrimental to the lives of many students at Valdosta State. .
             According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, a binge drinker is defined as "a person who drank five or more drinks on the same occasion on at least one day in the past 30 days" ("Binge Drinking," par.1). By this definition, a large part of the student body could be labeled as binge drinkers. The students in this category are likely to experience problems in school while living this lifestyle. Going to class after a long night of drinking is nearly impossible when experiencing a hangover. Studying for a test is easy to postpone when a friend calls and invites you to happy hour. Students frequently allow alcohol to take a higher priority than education.
             Another way binge drinking can affect lives is by damaging relationships. Alcohol can intensify your anger, making it easy to be mean to your friends when you are drunk. I have seen many of my own friends argue with each other while binge drinking. These arguments are far more likely to become physical while under the influence of alcohol. When you allow alcohol come between you and your friends, you have a serious problem. .
             Binge drinking can also affect your future. One of my friends was binge drinking at the bar one night and decided to drive home. He wrecked his mom's car into a telephone pole and got a D.U.I. Now he will be turned down for jobs that require a driver's license and a clean record. Many students came here to Valdosta State to get an education so that they might get a good job. When students binge drink they are taking a step in the wrong direction.

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