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Sex and college kids


             College is the best four years of your life; at least that's what everyone says. This is for one good reason: SEX. And why shouldn't it be? Take a lot of horny, inexperienced kids, put them onto some campus far removed from their parents, strip away all responsibility; nothing else would be on the brain but a lot of sex. Although most college students engage in some kind of sexual activity, there are major affects it has on their health, classes, and self-confidence. Over the years sexual activity with college students has increased by a great amount. What people fail to realize is, these acts are harming our university's campuses in ways that you may not even know. Even with all the awareness programs the college students attend, they fail to make the smart decision of abstinence. .
             College is the time when we find out who we are, so there's a lot of experimentation going on. Students find out who they are as a person, especially being away from home. Nowadays, these kids are coming into college with a lot more sexual experience than they did along time ago. There are hardly any students who are not sexually active once they get to their junior year.
             Increasingly, sex is becoming a less and less an intimate act experienced between two people who "like each other, a lot." Instead it's more of a recreational activity, engaged in freely by two people as a way to help with their boredom or relieve some of the stress classes put on them. And often it's the students being under the influence of either drugs or alcohol, sometimes without condoms or any other form of protection. This is the main reason why STD's are so widely spread around campuses.
             Among college students who live away from home, 56 percent had been sexually active while attending college, and 73 percent of that group reported having unprotected sex while in college. There are many students showing ignorance about sexually transmitted diseases, most of them who had unprotected sex did not believe they were at risk of contracting an STD.

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