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Teenage prostitution


             Teenage prostitutes or "children of the night" have become one of the leading epidemics in the nation. Many more teenagers than women everyday have joined the business of prostitution in America. One million women and young girls presently work as prostitutes, with thousands of other young women turning toward the streets everyday. The average age of entry into prostitution is 13 years old. The statistics are not surprising. What may be surprising, however, the toll prostitution takes on the family members of those who work in the "world's oldest profession." Child prostitution exists in a national scope. Pimps have become more sophisticated in their recruitment and maintenance of the children they force toward prostitution, moving their victims all around the country, often forcing them in the direction of work as prostitutes outside the larger cities and in small towns where police exist unfamiliar with the operations of child prostitution rings. Americans should organize methods towards stopping this rising epidemic because life is too precious for teens and children to waste away. .
             Child prostitution did not exist as a real in the United States until the late 70's. In 1974, Congress passed the Juvenile Justice Delinquency Prevention Act that prohibited the secure detention of runaways. That meant that the police could not arrest children for running away from home. Consequently, children remained on the streets to fend for themselves ("Children of the Night"). Since 1974 children have existed on the streets and supported themselves ("Children of the Night"). Child prostitution exists as an immense and devastating problem that nobody wants to recognize, or talk about, and everyone wants covered up. Child prostitutes live not only abandoned by their parents, but by the social services system as well ("Children of the Night"). Child prostitutes transpire typical victims of incest at an early age.

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