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The industrial boom


            In the year 1860,America was mainly farmlands and small towns.There were no giant buildings or crowded,loud cities.But from 1860 to 1900,America became the greatest industrial nation in the world.The country became populated with huge cities,loud streets,and new greed for power and money among people.There were many factors that led to this industrial boom.One such factor was technology.Industries could replace human workers with machinery that could do the job faster and more efficiently.Thus,the companiest wouldn't have to pay as many people as before.Railroads also played an important role.Over the 40 years between 1869 and 1900,railroad production increased dramatically.More railroads meant that more goods could be transported coast to coast.Also, republicans controlled the government for most of the 40 year period,which enabled them to do things they thought would improve industrialization in America.Republicans opposed anti-Immigration because immigrants provided cheap labor for industries;they worked for very little money.Republicans also wanted to increase railroad production to increase trade.Another factor was new sources of energy.Coal,oil,and water power were more efficient and more powerful than the use of humans and animals.That was another technique used to cut down on human labor.The final factor, and one of the most efficient factors, was vertical intregration,which was controlling companies that benefit another(ex.owning a steel company to benefit your railroad company).This allowed owners of industries to cut down costs on their needed supplies.Those are the factors that led to the industrial boom of America between 1860 and 1900.

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