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Homosexuality Should Not be an Issue


            Homosexuality Should Not be an Issue.
             How would you feel if you found your soul mate and you were ready to get married, then some one told you, you could not? I know how you would feel. You would feel horrible. That is exactly how homosexuals feel. Therefore homosexuals should be able to get married.
             Being married would give homosexuals benefits that have been enjoyed by many heterosexuals. Some benefits include special legal consideration when determining inheritance (www.k-state.edu/kstateresearch), life insurance, tax breaks, preferential immigration treatments and succession rights. Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund say that benefits such as life and health insurances pension and profit sharing corresponds to 40% of a workers actual income. .
             Homosexuals do not only want to get married because of the benefits. "Marriage is a fusion of law and culture- (Wedgwood 165). Marriage is also a personal decision that should not be dictated by the government. If love is paramount, why can everyone not get a chance to bind their love together if that what they want to do. It should not matter what their sexual preference is. Many leading democrats say homosexual couples can be granted with out having to declare that same sex unions are marriages. Same sex unions are a way that some homosexual couples have been able to publicly acknowledge their relationships in commitment ceremonies.
             Some might say that it is a sin to be homosexual and that God made Adam and Eve and it should not be any other way. However god makes things happen for a reason. Therefore God made homosexuals for a reason and intended to use them for and or with something. Also the bible, in this situation, is not a good source. The bible helps a person to contradict them selves because it says, " If a man lies with a mankind the same way he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination.""(Lev 20:13). On the other hand the bible says, " Love thy neighbor and fellow man as one self'- and " thou shall not judge-.

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