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Diagnostic Essay: The Dating Game in Teens


             Dating is a big part of a teenager's life. It's also a big part in a parent's life. When a teenager thinks they should date is when all of their friends are doing it. In parent's eye's or in my eye's dating should start when a teenager is able to be mature, obey the rules, and know right from wrong.
             First, I think for a teenager to know they are mature, is when they act mature. When they know who their parent's approve of and if they think the person they are dating is a gentleman or a lady. A teenager also shows signs of maturity when they can go to school and keep their grades up. I also think, teenager's show maturity when they say yes sir or maim, please, and thank you.
             Second, I think a teenager should be allowed to go on dates, when they are able to respect their parent's rules. If a child is told to be home at ten o"clock and don't show up until eleven then their dating rights should be taken away. If their parent's tell them they have to keep their grades up to be able to date and they don't, then all their dating rights should be taken away from them. Obeying the rules their parents give them, also shows a sign of maturity.
             Last, I think a teenager needs to know right from wrong before they should be allowed to date. If they go to a party and everyone there is drinking and doing drugs, they should know that it's wrong and leave the party. It they go somewhere and they know their parents would not approve, they should leave. If a teenager lies to their parent's, they should be punished for what they did wrong.
             Most teenagers don't think of these rules for a long time, I know I didn't. I didn't care what my parents thought, until I moved out of my parents house. Teenagers should be honest with their parents because to me it brings them closer to each other. If I could change my childhood, I would have started dating at eighteen. If teens are not mature, don't obey the rules, and don't know right from wrong, most of them will end up in jail or dead.

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