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Causation in History


             Herodotus was born in the small Ionian Greek town of Halicarnassus. His major work was his book The Histories. The Histories is a military history of the struggle of the Greek states verses the Persian Empire. He wrote between 431 and 404 BC and has been dubbed various names, such as the father of history. .
             Herodotus paid specific attention to causation. "His researches are her set down- Most of evidence was based orally and because of this unreliable way of obtaining information he has been at the end of much criticism. Another reason for his criticism is his leaving of causation on the Gods, as well as fabricating information to support the Gods interference. Herodotus was much ahead of his time. Asking a question, and then finding an answer as to what caused this event to happen. .
             B. Thucydides.
             Thucydides was an Athenian General born in 460BC and died in 400BC he recorded a Military and political history in his book "History of the Peloponnesian War" He like Herodotus has been dubbed the Father of history.
             Although Herodotus and Thucydides wrote in a fairly similar time they have very different concepts to causation. Thucydides was very skeptical of the super natural themes Herodotus had put forward and accounted his causation to human nature and the natural phenomena. Thucydides skeptism is evident through his sarcasm about these themes through his work. Thucydides leaves the reason for the Peloponnesian war to Athenian expansion. This dea of no supernatural themes is evident in the entire work. He also was the first historian to look into short term and long term causation.
             c. Polybius.
             Polybius was a Greek man writing for the Roman government. He was born in 167BC and died in 118BC. He was a very experienced man of the military and political worlds. His aim was to find out why Rome had come to takeover most of the world in such a short period of time.
             Polybius's causation was not on the Gods because he claimed not to believe in them.

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