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Pride and Prejudice seen in the Book


             While Darcy's pride and Elizabeth's prejudice are shown in the Jane Austen novel, Pride and Prejudice, these feelings are altered during the course of the book. Darcy and Elizabeth see that they are shortsighted in the judgments they make of each other and other people. Kenneth Moler says, "Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy are very complicated combinations of high intelligence, discriminating taste, emotional sensitivity, and, on the other hand, a sort of moral blindness regarding themselves and others (Moler 6). This change of insight is noticed and primarily brought about by the time both Darcy and Elizabeth spend at Pemberley, Mr. Darcy's home.
             Elizabeth Bennet, the protagonist of the novel, commands the role of the second daughter of five from a middle class family, in Hertfordshire, England. She is a narrator of sorts, reflecting the opinion of the author (A Literary History of England 1205). Critic A.C. Bradley said, "Elizabeth Bennet is a girl we are meant to fall in love with" (British Writers 28). Elizabeth is also called "one of the most delightful heroines of fiction" (Cyclopedia of World Authors Volume I 98). She meets Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy when he is a new arrival in the neighborhood, lodging at Netherfield, a local estate with his close friend Mr. Bingley (Austen 8). When Mr. Darcy remarks at the Ball held at Netherfield, "She is tolerable; but not handsome enough to tempt me; and I am in no humor at present to give consequence to young ladies who are slighted by other men" (Austen 9) Elizabeth becomes upset, Darcy has injured her pride (Austen 9). Her judgments of Mr. Darcy from this point are unjustified because he injures her feelings; her point of view is prejudiced. Elizabeth refuses from the occurrence at the Netherfield ball to believe Mr. Darcy is nothing other than superior and callous aristocrat. .
             The days after the Netherfield ball, Bingley frequently visits Longbourn to see Jane, bringing Mr.

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