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I Feel Alone


             I feel like I am the only one with a hunger after the Lord. Of course, I feel terrible whenever I turn away from the Lord, and then I feel that the presence of the Lord is not at my school.
             Sure, there are other people at my school that profess Christ, and I am sure that there are a few that truly do know God. But for the vast majority of people who claim the name of "God-, they are constantly struggling--and failing--from Satan's attacks. .
             Satan is real. Very real. Some people are very disciplined and can tell when Satan is working close by. Others are not. Nevertheless, Satan is constantly trying to bring us down in the hope that we will stumble and turn away from God (I don't know if Satan knows whose names are written in the Lamb's book of life!). He attacks Christians constantly, and the sad thing is he wins so much! Christians in the US are constantly compromising with things. We have fallen into materialism, pornography, vanity, and so much more that distract us from what life is all about--Father God and Son.
             Imagine what happens when Satan wins "we become ineffective. When we focus on the things that we are doing while we should be doing something else, we can't reach out to the lost.
             At my school, whenever the "Christians" get together, we almost always discuss some "issue" that people disagree on. The issue is argued for a long time, and that, sadly, is the extent of "Christian fellowship" at my school.
             I want people to say, "God is amazing! Look at what He has just done in my life!" or "Look at the clouds! Isn't our Lord awesome?" Passion in speaking about our Lord! Yes, issues are important, especially to me, but we must remember to constantly keep our eyes towards the prize "Jesus Christ and a relationship with Him!.
             Don't let Satan win with you today. Kick him out of your life. If you feel dragged down, even while reading this, Satan has no choice but to leave at the name of Jesus.

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