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             Specific Purpose: To show the results of drinking and driving and how they can affect a persons life.
             Thematic Statement: Drinking and Driving gives people personal problems and sometimes even legal problems.
             I. INTRODUCTION.
             A. Attention-getting material: Shocking story of a women getting hit by a drunk driver. (Graphic Pictures).
             B. Establish credibility: I ve had experienced drinking and driving and trust me its dangerous.
             C. Preview purpose and content: Drinking and Driving has many bad results in some cases.
             II. BODY.
             A. Main Point #1: Drinking and Driving causes a lot of bad accidents.
             1. Some accidents usually give family hard times.
             a.) Family might end up being destroyed cause of this.
             b.) Money problems might take a family by surprise.
             c.) Family might go into a depress state after a sudden death.
             2. Accidents also take your closest friends away.
             a.) Your best friend might be lost.
             b.) You might be the one to take other peoples friends away.
             c.) You might know that your friend is drunk and not tell him not to drive.
             B. Main Point #2: Drinking and Driving might put u in jail.
             1. Killing while drinking and driving gives u jail time.
             a.) You might get a fine.
             b.) You might end up in rehab.
             c.) You could get up to 3-10 years in prison. .
             2. Hitting a certain object while drinking gives u jail time.
             a.) hitting a private property.
             b.) hitting another car.
             c.) destroying and wild life around you.
             C. Main Point #3: Injuries that might happen in an accident.
             1.Personal injuries to yourself.
             2. Personal injuries to others.
             3.Injuries that might cause death.
             III. CONCLUSION.
             A. Summary Statement: Drinking and Driving only affects your life one way.
             B. Concluding remarks: So next time you decide to drink and drive just remeber what happened to Jacqueline Saburidos, not everyone who gets hit by a car dies.

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