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Equalization payment


             Parliament and the government of Canada are.
             committed to the principle of making equalization.
             payments to ensure that provincial governments.
             have sufficient revenues to provide.
             reasonably comparable levels of public services.
             at reasonably comparable levels of taxation.
             (Constitution Act, 1982, section 36(2).).
             The Constitution Act of 1982 enshrines the principle of equalization payments from "have" to "have not" provinces to ensure that Canadians, no matter where they live, have access to comparable levels of public services at comparable rates of taxation. In reality, just two "have" provinces-Ontario and Alberta-contribute equalization funds to 5 "have not" provinces-the 4 Maritime Provinces and Quebec. Is it fair for people in those two "have" provinces? Is equalization payment efficient? Does it achieve equity? .
             The purpose of this paper is to reassess equalization payment from an economic perspective and exam equalization payment from two major angles: efficiency arguments with incentive effect, and equity criteria. Equalization payments have the original purpose to eliminate the inefficiency of labor migration in a decentralized federation and to provide comparable levels of public services at comparable rates of taxation, no matter where people live. Equalization is politically popular but not perfect. This paper covers the causes of labor migration, the perverse incentive of equalization payment has on provinces, and finally the debatable equity issue. .
             Efficiency and Incentive Effect.
             An economy is efficient when resources and goods are allocated among people to make people as well off as possible, and no reallocation could make people better off without hurting somebody else. Whether equalization payment is efficient depends on whether it raises national income above when equalization payment is not in place. .
             Without equalization payment in place, inefficiency of labor migration is one problem in decentralized federation.

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