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Sex ed


            Sex education should be taught during pre-teen years because sexual activities amongst teenagers have risen due to the lack of proper education at an earlier age. Educating students earlier will help society overall. Due to the lack of education, teen sexually transmitted diseases as well as AIDS have increased within the teen population. The pregnancy rates for teens and pre-teens have caused the abortion rate to increase as well as the adoptions. Sex Ed should be taught during Pre-teen years so that teen pregnancy could be lowered.
             Teenage pregnancy is a big problem facing us all today. It has become worse and it is something that we all need to try to and prevent. Due to the lack of sex education, one million teenage girls become pregnant every year at a rate of 3000 per day, 80% of whom are unmarried. Out of the one million teenage girls 500,000 decide to keep their babies, 450,000 decide to have an abortion or murder there babies, and 100,000 girls decide to deliver and give the baby up for adoption. (Denise Witmer, http://parentingteens.about.com/cs/teenpregnancy/a/preg_stats.htm) 3000 teenage girls getting pregnant every day just because America isn't taking a look on sexual education, this shows how little America cares about today's youth. Studies suggest that 43% of all American girls will experience at least one pregnancy before they reach the age of 20. (The National Campaign To Prevent Teen Pregnancy, http://www.teenpregnancy.org/resources/teens/facts/fact17.asp).
             What is life like for a teenage girl who is pregnant? Only 50% of the girl's complete high school, 50% are on welfare, and they themselves become abusive child abusers. Their children, when grown, have 82% incidence of teenage pregnancy. The sons of teen mothers are 13 percent more likely to end up in prison while teen daughters are 22 percent more likely to become teen mothers themselves.( The National Campaign To Prevent Teen Pregnancy, http://www.

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