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jane eyre


            In Charlotte Bronte's novel Jane eyre, the main character Jane was put into tough positions throughout the story. But through the tough times, Jane ended up with good results throughout the story.Charlotte Bronte used settings, plots, and themes to show how Jane got through the bad times and got her life together afterwards.Since Jane was an orphan, she moved plenty of times from place to place. She started staying with her Aunt Reed. While she was there, they were abusing her physically. Afterwards,Aunt Reed sent Jane to Lowood school where Jane she made a friend with Helen. Later, Helen died and Jane decided to leave the school. Jane ended up working for Rochester, she was taking care of the kid. While she was working for Rochester, she suddenly was in love with him. Unfortunately, she found out that Rochester was married at the time.Jane leaves Thornfield and lives outdoors for awhile and then goes back to Gateshead because Mrs. Reed was dying. Unfortunately, her Aunt passes away. Jane decides to go back to Thornfield. Later, Rochester proposes to Jane and asks her to marry him and they do. Basically, the novel shows how Jane went through the tough times of her life since her childhood but she ends up happy and gets married to Rochester.
             Conflicts occurred to Jane througout the novel. She was having conflicts with other people and society.The man- conflicts was the physical abuse she was recieving. As the novel started, Jane was getting along with John and the rest of the Reeds. She really didn't get along with her Aunt Reed and her cousins. When she was with her Aunt, they usually would abuse her. Jane would be scared every minute while she was there, she never knew when they would strike at her. Jane quoted "He bullied and punished me;not two or three times in the week,nor once or twice in a day, but continually: every nerve i feared him, and every morsel of flesh on my bones shrank when he came near".

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