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             Mike Tyson, one of the greatest fighters boxing has ever had. He grew up on the streets of Brooklyn, New York. Coming from a broken family where, Tyson took care of himself. Life was based on survival. Nothing came easy and fighting was the journey of becoming the warrior he has formed himself to be. It was the streets that moulded him. His surroundings involved murders, rapes, robberies and every other kind of crime possible. .
             As a young man his size was very intimidating and his punches devastating. Tyson was a troubled kid, and his mother couldn't discipline him anymore. He was sent to the Tryon School for Boys. This is where he learned to box and made many solid friendships. Tyson, began working very hard in his academic studies so he could stay at Tryon. Tyson completely cleaned up his act. .
             Tyson later on went to be the youngest world heavyweight champion. However, he suddenly changed over the years after D"Amato's death. Aggression and sexual behaviour became stronger. As a celebrity perhaps he saw he was more powerful than the law and this was his mistake. In 1992, Tyson was found guilty for raping a beauty pageant contestant, Desiree Washington. I personally think that Tyson and Washington met and had interest in each other. He probably felt that he was getting the signal to do something sexual with her and when she said no, he continued. The reason for this is because Tyson is a man that has a very rough upbringing. Especially, his character is aggressive and he didn't want to stop. However, they might have been very close and in the heat of the moment he didn't have enough control over himself to stop. Either way, Tyson committed a crime. Another possibility is that he was lead on and after having sexual intercourse she decided to say she was raped to get some sort of compensation and publicity. I feel that Tyson is a bit out of control and needs to seek counselling. I"m hoping he can clean his act up, because I see him as one of the most superb fighters of all time.

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